The Neo-Nazi Left Takes to the Stage, On Your Dime. This is beyond vile:
The play, called "Crown Heights," portrays the murder of chasidic scholar Yankel Rosenbaum as a tragic accident in a fight in which Jews threw the first punch. It is a production of the All Stars Project, Inc., one of a cluster of organizations connected to Lenora Fulani, a fringe political activist who has been accused of antisemitism, and to the self-described "social therapist" and alleged cult leader Fred Newman, her longtime political ally. Fulani, 53, is a co-founder of the All Stars Project. Newman, 68, is a co-author of the play and the artistic director of the Project's Castillo Theater.
The play begins with a video of interviews about the riots, mostly of Fulani and her associates, including her chauffeur and members of the All Stars Project staff. The clip presents Fulani herself as an arbitrator, calming blacks ready to take "defensive" measures against what she calls "chasidim throwing rocks and bottles."
That's the pleasent part. Here's where it gets bad:
In "Crown Heights," both blacks and Jews, played by teen actors, confront the aftermath of the death of a fictionalized Gavin Cato, the 7-year-old black child accidentally run over by a car in the motorcade of the Lubavitcher rebbe, Menachem Schneerson. According to contemporary accounts, a vehicle accompanying Scheerson's car struck the child and his cousin, who was injured but survived. A Jewish volunteer ambulance, which was the first emergency vehicle to respond, was directed by police to leave the scene without the children, because officers feared violence from a crowd that had gathered at the scene, but left only after the arrival of a second ambulance.
The dramatized "Crown Heights" depicts the incident rather differently. In the play, Scheerson's own car hits the child; both his car and a Jewish ambulance leave the scene immediately, implying that the Jews are guilty of leaving the children to die. "There's a black boy bleeding," actors sing, "as the rabbi just runs." When one of the Jews is in turmoil over his community's guilt ("we moved into their country"), and thus sympathetically portrayed, his fellow Jews prefer to take refuge in memories of their own victimhood. The black community, "hungry for justice," must only judge how to respond to the Jews, "smug and safe in their white skins," who "turned their back" on a dying child.
The play also fictionalizes Rosenbaum's death, for which two men were convicted on federal civil rights charges. The victim, an Australian tourist, was accosted by a gang of youths while walking alone, taunted with antisemitic slurs and then stabbed to death. When two groups of young men — one black and one Jewish — meet in the play's portrayal of the incident, they trade racial slurs until a Jew leaps at a black man. In the ensuing melee, one of the Jews runs into the knife, held by a black youth in safekeeping for a friend. This innocent teenager is thrown into jail, where — in the finale — he decides to marry his Jewish social worker.
I don't know whether to laugh or put my fist through the wall. Here's the best part:
The All Stars Project's $12 million, 31,000 square-foot performing arts center, located on 42nd Street near 11th Avenue on the edge of New York's Theater District, was made possible through $8.25 million in tax-exempt bonds issued by New York City's Industrial Development Agency. On November 13, 2003, the center's grand opening was marked by the New York City Council with a proclamation honoring the All Stars Project's "outstanding service to the City."
The All Stars Project, Newman's East Side Institute and the Fulani-run Independence Party share members, philosophies and contributors. The two founded the erstwhile New Alliance Party; Newman is a member of the Independence Party and the Project has given money to the Institute. The All Stars Project recorded an income of $2.5 million in 2002, without any government funding, thanks in part to support from a roster of Fortune 500 companies including Bear Stearns and New York Life Insurance Company.
This is the reason why I do not and will never again live on the East Coast of the United States. I don't know who I'm angrier at; the dispicable racist Hiterlites who concieved and produced this excerable monstrosity, the gutless Jewish leadership which can only manage token opposition to it (rather obviously because their afraid of being Mau-Maued to death on the race issue), or the morally bankrupt Leftist beaurocracy that funds hate speech like this with the help of corporations who should know better then to give their money to PC Leftist totalitarian anti-semitic drivel. Someone needs to be called on this kind of garbage. I seriously recommend writing to New York city hall and complaining. You can do it here.