A Wonderful Quote
For the burning bush was a symbol of the oppressed people, and the burning fire was a symbol of the oppressors; and the circumstance of the burning bush not being consumed was an emblem of the fact that the people thus oppressed would not be destroyed by those who were attacking them, but that their hostility would be unsuccessful and fruitless to the one party, and the fact of their being plotted against would fail to be injurious to the others. The angel, again, was the emblem of the providence of God, who mitigates circumstances which appear very formidable, so as to produce from them great tranquillity beyond the hopes or expectation of any one.
But we must now accurately investigate the comparison here made. The briar, as has been already said, is a most weak and supple plant, yet it is not without thorns, so that it wounds one if one only touches it. Nor was it consumed by fire, which is naturally destructive, but on the contrary it was preserved by it, and in addition to not being consumed, it continued just as it was before, and without undergoing any change whatever itself, acquired additional brilliancy. All these circumstances are an allegory to intimate the suggestions given by the other notions which at that time prevailed, almost crying out in plain words to persons in affliction, "Do not faint; your weakness is your strength, which shall pierce and wound innumerable hosts. You shall be saved rather than destroyed, by those who are desirous to destroy your whole race against their will, so that you shall not be overwhelmed by the evils with which they will afflict you, but when your enemies think most surely that they are destroying you, then you shall most brilliantly shine out in glory." Again, the fire, which is a destructive essence, convicting the men of cruel dispositions, says, Be not elated so as to rely on your own strength; be admonished rather when you see irresistible powers destroyed. The consuming power of flame is itself consumed like firewood, and the wood, which is by its intrinsic nature capable of being burnt, burns other things visibly like fire.
-Philo of Alexandria
تعاني كل ربات البيوت من مشكلة تكاثر الحشرات ووجودها بشكل مستمر في المنزل، مما يسبب لها الكثير من القلق والإزعاج ويضعها في العديد من المواقف المحرجة أمام ضيوفها فبالرغم من نظافة المنزل ولكن عند وجود الحشرات أمام الضيوف يشعرها بأن المنزل غير نظيف، كما أن الحشرات تحمل الكثير من البكتيريا والجراثيم العدوي الفيروسية التي تسبب الأمراض وتقوم بإبادتها بكل سهولة بين الأشخاص مما ينتج عنها الضرر والأمراض الذي يلحق بصحه الانسان من ما يجعلها تبحث عن الطرق التقليدية التي تساعدها في القضاء نهائيا على الحشرات المزعجة، مثل العته و الفئران والصراصير وأيضاً النمل الابيض وغيرها من الحشرات، التي تسببها الإزعاج مجرد أن تتواجد في المنزل ولكن بعد اليوم لا داعي لكل ذلك يمكنك التخلص من كل هذه الحشرات عند التواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام، التي تقوم بالتخلص من كافة أنواع الحشرات ومكافحه الحشرات المنزلية الضارة، عن طريق شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام التي هدفها هو مكافحة الحشرات داخل الدمام وخارجها، كما أن الشركة لديها فريق عمل متميز قادر على إبادة الحشرات نهائياً
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