Wednesday, July 16, 2003

"[Rachel wanted] not only to make the world safer for Palestinians, but Israelis, as well, and U.S. citizens too," said her father, Craig Corrie.

"Rachel believed, like all of us, people talk about peace but do nothing about it. She wanted to show the Palestinians they are not alone, they are not forgotten, there are Americans and others who want to help," said Lora Gordon, 20, of Pittsburgh.

Gordon is Jewish. She studied art and archeology at Grinnell College in Iowa. Now she runs the International Solidarity Movement of peace activists in Rafah that Rachel Corrie joined. Gordon is the only foreigner left in the three-room office of the ISM.

Another horrifying attempt to mythologize genocidal anti-Semitic racist Rachel Corrie and her neo-Nazi Leftist organization, the ISM. Check it out.


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