I was forcibly subjected to this sordid little screed by the shockingly untalented necro-communist playwright Tony Kushner last week (it was my brother's graduation, what can can you do?). Needless to say, I led the booing. I dont think I've yet read a better - albeit unintentional - example of the airheaded, Nazistic lunacy into which the Left has descended. Here's the money quote - as Andrew Sullivan would say - with commentary of course:
And this is what I think you people have gotten your education for. You have presumably made a study of how important it is for the people – the people and not the oil plutocrats, the people and not the fantasists in right wing think tanks, the people and not the virulent lockstep gasbags of Sunday morning talk shows and editorial pages and all-Nazi all-the-time radio ranting marathons, the thinking people and not the crazy people, the rich and multivarious multicultural people and not the pale pale greyish-white cranky grim greedy people, the secular pluralist people and not the theocrats, the metaphorical imaginative expansive generous sensual rational people and not the sexual hysterics, the misogynists, Muslim and Christian and Jewish fundamentalists, the hard-working people and not the people whose only real exertion ever in their whole parasite lives has been the effort if takes to slash a trillion plus dollars in tax revenue and then stuff it in their already overfull pockets – whatever your degree, you have presumably read history and thought about justice and freedom and the relationship between ideas and action and you know how important it is for the sizable community of decent sane just egalitarian people, comprising many minority communities constituting if not a majority then a plurality, a substantial smart let's- say-40% plurality community (more than large enough in a pluralist democracy) (which for the time being the United States still is) if it uses its brains and works together, to wield decisive power, power for enfranchisement and economic as well as racial justice and gender justice and sexual political justice and environmental sanity and in the name of a real globalism, a real internationalism, a real solidarity with all the peoples of the world, to wield power infused with the knowledge that democracy is created not by military machines, not by MOAB bombs and smart bombs but by smart peaceable people, fed people, educated people – democracy is created by making an aggressive determined and longterm effort at eradicating the real axis of evil: poverty, homelessness, no health care.
I dont have time or space to deal with all the lying, racist, neo-Nazi hypocrisy embodied in this paragraph. But I will say that it both encapsulates and personifies the evil of the modern Left. Mr. Kushner claims the people should hold power, but its glaringly obvious that no one who disagrees with Mr. Kushner - like someone who believes in God for instance, or someone who thinks free markets are more conducive to a higher standard of living then Socialist statism - is included in this equation. Only the select few enlightened enough to get with Mr. Kushner's egalitarian, pluralist, multicultural utopia are worthy of political power. Everyone else belongs to that ugly, insidious mass of "pale pale greyish-white cranky grim greedy people" - a racist formulation worthy of Hitler himself - who must be ripped from the reigns of power, who have no right to their own views or opinions if they dare to contradict the great Tony Kushner, who must be stamped out, reeducated and eradicated by the "40% plurality community" - who have nothing in common except that they are not evil white honkies. Kushner's Hitlerian call for ethnic warfare is matched with his "vision" of the glorious world to come, which will include "racial justice and gender justice and sexual political justice and environmental sanity and in the name of a real globalism, a real internationalism, a real solidarity with all the peoples of the world" a phrase which means, quite literally, nothing whatsoever. What is racial justice? What would it constitute legally? What is environmental sanity? What institutions would he create to ensure it? How will he ensure they are accountable to science and to the legitimate economic needs of the "people" he so cherishes? What is sexual political justice? Who decides? Who will execute these absolutisms? Will they be accountable to anyone except the Lord High Kushner himself and his Pulitzer Prizes? Kushner, of course, doesnt say because he hasnt the slightest idea what he's talking about. He's spewing buzzwords and politically correct balderdash about which he hasnt exerted the slightest energy to actually think about. Which is why he cant be bothered to emerge from his narcississtic PC bubble and actually think about the world we live in. Which is why he lumps together "Muslim and Christian and Jewish fundamentalists" without the slightest understanding of the fact that Christian and Jewish fundamentalists haven't been flying planes into buildings anytime in the recent past. That's why he, an openly gay man, can find more to hate about democratic America, where his gay-themed seven-hour snoozefests are awarded Pulitzer Prizes, then the Islamic societies where his sexuality would get him killed in a myriad of nasty ways. That's why he cant manage to find one single thing about the society which has granted him unimaginable security, freedom and success that might actually be worth fighting to defend. Because in the end, the only real problems facing the world are not Islamic terror and the clash of civilizations, but those perennial Left wing boogeymen "poverty, homelessness, no health care". Take out Osama Bin Laden and put in Adolf Hitler and think about what he's actually saying. "We cant fight Nazism because we dont have universal health care and there are still poor people". This is the level of thinking we are dealing with on the Left today. Thanks for the wisdom Tony. As one of the "people whose only real exertion ever in their whole parasite lives has been the effort if takes to slash a trillion plus dollars in tax revenue and then stuff it in their already overfull pockets", one of the "pale pale greyish-white cranky grim greedy people", I can only express my appreciation for being forced to listen to your slanderous, childish, neo-Nazi spit in the face of the country I love. You really gave the finger to all us selfish, evil Republicans. You really spoke truth to power, you illiterate gasbag. Fuck you too.
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