Friday, November 14, 2003

Europe is Dead

It is time, my friends, for the unthinkable to be thought, for the unspeakable to be spoken. It had become unfortunately but abundantly clear that this world can no longer tolerate the cost, in human, financial, moral, and strategic terms, of the continued existence of Europe. How can such uncontemplatable things be contemplated, you ask? Consider the following: Europe is the single greatest diplomatic and political obstacle to the War on Terror, this was proven during the War in Iraq, where the objections of Europe were far more violent then those of any other country and European obstructionism in the United Nations emboldened Saddam Hussein and guaranteed that the situation would result in open hostilities. Europe in the world’s leading exporter of anti-Semitism outside of the Islamic world, it is openly engaged in genocidal rhetoric towards Israel and brutal oppression and violence towards its own Jewish populations, it lends legitimacy to such sentiments across the globe. Europe’s outdated and bloated Socialist economic system is dragging down the entire world economy and threatening it with imminent collapse. Europe enables, through political and financial assistance, Islamic fundamentalism and its attendant terrorist movements, thus threatening the freedom and physical safety of the entire non-Muslim world. Europe supports and encourages dangerous expansions of United Nations power which could easily lead to a degradation and ultimate loss of national sovereignty for its member nations. This is what two thousand years of European civilization has led to: a cowardly, spiteful, violent but utterly impotent failed society based on twin pillars of suicidal relativism and amoral appeasement. Clearly, Europe is simply an obsolete concept, a dangerous holdover from another time that is now nothing less than an existential threat to the rest of the world.

So, what is to be done? Fortunately, due to declining birthrates and aging populations, much of Europe’s population will die in the next 10-20 years, vastly simplifying the problem at hand. The remaining European population could easily be resettled in such unpopulated areas of the world as Siberia, the de-forested areas of the Amazon rainforest, and, for those with marketable skills, the US and Canada. Should these prove inadequate, extermination camps are always a possibility, a method which, although distasteful, is hardly without European precedent. The large Muslim minorities in Europe would no doubt be happy to be repatriated to their countries of origin, where they could live freely as Muslims without suffering the terrible racism and prejudice of which they constantly complain. The empty land and leftover infrastructure could easily be filled by settling immigrants from India and China, thus relieving them of their problems of overpopulation and giving the continent a hardworking and cultured population who have, thus far, proved themselves uninterested in genocide, imperialism, starting world wars, or the other more noticeable European vices.

Now, there will clearly be Europeans who object to this plan but, as all thinking people must acknowledge, the needs of world peace, security and human rights, far outweigh the objections of a few extremists who would no doubt be happier elsewhere once they get used to the idea. The end of Europe is nothing more than an acknowledgement of a situation which already exists, we are simply speeding up a process which demographic and political forces would eventually bring into existence in any event. This method, however, accomplishes the task with a minimum of bloodshed and chaos, and the rewards in terms of diplomacy, security, and peace can hardly be exaggerated. The sad truth is, Europe is not just bad for the Europeans, or bad for the West in general, Europe is bad for the world, and, I believe, my modest proposal is precisely the tonic needed to treat the disease. The European Question can be solved, it merely requires a little far sighted leadership and the placement of international concerns and multilateral prerogatives above narrow and parochial privileges. As some historical figure or another once said: if you will it, it is no fairy tale. Or something to that effect.


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